Monday, June 28, 2010

Quintessential Recollection

Our past experiences, whether good or bad, grand or mundane, are what make us who we are. There is no going back to change or erase these quintessential moments. No matter how much we may wish our life had been written in pencil, it was written in pen and we can only go forward. Many of us have similar memories—jumping in leaves, playing in snow, climbing trees or even just blowing bubbles. Others have unique experiences and memories only a few can ever know, like looking desperately for that one face in a formation of soldiers coming home from war, or leaving one home behind to create another.

For the most part we are focused on the present and future—always trying to figure out what life will show us next. But there are times in life – the first day of school, the last days before graduation, relationships, or the experience of growing older – that mark the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next or a crossroads in the journey. It is in moments like these that we find ourselves looking back at where we have come from; and while we learn from the past, it is more important that we take what we have learned and experienced and move ahead.

It is my hope that these images can take us back to our own memories – that these images will recall quintessential moments.

And in doing so, things learned will be remembered.

This is my artist statement from my senior show that was exhibited in April 2010 at Asbury University

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